St Joseph's and St Gregory's Primary School & Pre-School

St Joseph's and St Gregory's Primary School & Pre-School

Our Local Parish - St Joseph and the Holy Child 

At St Joseph's and St Gregory's, we enjoy a close and fruitful relationship with our local Catholic parish, St Joseph's and the Holy Child in nearby Midland Road. A number of our families worship weekly at this local Catholic parish, with children also preparing for and receiving their First Confession and Holy Communion there. 

Parish priest and Area Dean, Canon Seamus Keenan, visits school weekly to pray with and talk to children and staff, as our School Chaplain. He also visits more frequently on other occasions to administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, celebrate Mass and lead other liturgies (for example, on All Saints' Day and on Ash Wednesday). 

Some pupils and staff are also members of other nearby parishes, including Christ the King, Sts Philip and James and Holy Cross parishes, including parishes further afield. We are represented too at the local Italian and Polish parishes - St Frances Cabrini and the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Cuthbert's.  

Every parish in the local Pastoral Area remembers our school, at least, monthly in the bidding prayers read during Sunday Mass. This is a source of tremendous spiritual support to our school community. 

Outside of school, some staff are also members of the Pastoral Area Council, which works in support of and alongside the clergy, to develop local parish life and mission. In addition to this, staff are also involved in parish childrens' liturgy and music. 

Web links:  

St Joseph and the Holy Child 

Christ the King 

Sts Philip and James 

Holy Cross 

St Frances Cabrini (Italian Mission) 

Sacred Heart of Jesus and St Cuthbert's (Polish Mission)